Your Ears Can Indicate Your Health: Don't Ignore These 8 Factors
You can learn the basic health tips by seeing the video below.
-Ear wax is not a body waste to get rid of regularly, quite the contrary
- it's a kind of protection. It keeps the ear canal lubricated, therefore, prevents the ears from itching. Moreover, it prevents different pollutants from entering the inner ear. Even more surprisingly, this substance has antibacterial properties.
Our body is a clever mechanism. Did you know that when we chew, the movement pushes ear wax to the outer part of the ear? This way, your ears self-clean!
If your ears tend to produce a big amount of ear wax creating a build-up, you can take some preventive measures yourself.
- It's effective to use agents softening the wax. They can be mineral or baby oil, or ear drops. It is enough to put a few drops of these substances into your ear once a week to soften the ear wax and help it to come out faster and with ease.
- Another way to take care of your ears is to buy a special at-home kit for their irrigation. Follow the instruction precisely step by step.
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