Effective Business Message
5 Planning Steps

There are following Planning steps to prepare an effective businesses message which is listed below.
Ø Identify Your Purpose:  The object your message is almost consists of two folds. The reason for the message itself. The creation of Goodwill.
Ø Analyze Your Audience:  See the message from your receiver’s point of view:  Their Needs, Interests, Attitudes even their culture.
Ø Choose Your Idea: The ideas you include depends on the type of message you are sending, the situation and the cultural context.
Ø Collect Your Data: Be sure to collect enough data to support your ideas; Check names, Dates, Addresses and statistics for precision.
Ø Organize Your Message: Organize your material before writing. Your first draft can prevent rambling and unclear message.
Approaches To Write Effective Message
Their a two approaches to write the best and effective message
Ø Direct ( Deductive ) Approach:
When your reader or listener will have a favorable or neutral reaction to your message, use the direct approach.
Begin with the main idea. After the opening, include all the necessary details and end with an appropriate, friendly closing.
Ø Indirect ( Inductive ) Approach:
When your reader or listener might react negatively to your message, you should not present the main idea in the first paragraph.
Begin with a buffer, give an explanation and then introduce the main idea.
Beginning and Ending of Message
Ø “ First impression are lasting”
Ø “We remember best what we read last”
The opening of a message determines whether the reader continues reading, puts the message aside or discard it.
·       Choose opening appropriate for message purpose and reader.
·       Make the opening considerate, courteous, concise and clear.
·       Check for completeness.
Ø Closing should be strong, clear & polite; they should leave a sense of closure & goodwill with the receiver.
Ø Make action request clear and complete with 5 W’s and the H.
Ø End on a polite, courteous thoughts.
Ø Keep last paragraph concise and correct.

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